当然,除了美国没有落地签以外其他国家都有 而且要是有护照的话应该能查到Kaner的入境记录吧…… 他都去过几次了。 要不是他之前在美国工作过的话,估计出入境记录上还要更明显一些呢(๑•́ωก̀๑)
话说,我不太明白你说的“查不出来”是什么意思? 你是指移民局系统里面查不到他的信息还是别的什么意思啊? 不过就算在移民局档案里也找不到也是有可能的啦…毕竟他是非移民啊~ 我去过的所有国家都没在移民局档案里找到过中国人(或者任何非移民)的个人信息~虽然理论上来说移民局的档案都是要包含每个公民或非移民信息的! 但实际上很多国家都没有给所有非移民单独建档啊╮(╯_╰)╭比如我上次去的泰国就是这样的! 所以你在移民局根本都看不到非移民的信息哒~(^∇^)
如果他没有美国的出入境记录的话那他在其他国家出入境的情况肯定也会比较明显的呀 (ง •̀_•́)ง然后你再找找看其他有落地签的国家看他会不会在这里面出现过就OK啦! 哦对了还有,因为我是学法律的嘛所以对法律比较敏感一点hhh所以我感觉这个情况应该算是非法入境吧(´▽`)嘻嘻因为我记得美国移民法上面好像是这样写的——
Immigration and Nationality Act, Title 8, Section 1325: Illegal Entry
8 USC § 1325 – Aliens unlawfully entering or leaving the United States It's illegal to enter without authorization. And it is also illegal for someone who has been denied entry at a port of entry, or was turned away by an immigration inspection officer because they cannot establish their eligibility under U.S. law to be admitted into, or paroled into, the country, to reenter "without inspection" within twelve months of that departure. So if he left on one of those flights out of JFK but didn’t actually leave the US then when he tries to come back in like two years later it will be considered “reentry after unlawful departure” which according to our laws is itself a crime :O