我是读的商科,所以我觉得读 PhD 还是挺值的~因为可以学到很多知识。 我不是读理工科,不知道具体学费怎样,但是我在英国读本科的时候,我们系里就有中国同学去牛津剑桥读硕士,然后他们拿到了 CSC/CoE 的助学金呢~ 所以还是取决于你的专业。 在国外读 Master's Degree 和 PhD are pretty much the same thing in terms of money and time spent abroad, as well as your overall tuition fees will be paid by Chinese Government Scholarship-funded schemes. (I know what you can ask is how to get this scholarship for my master’s degree too? Well it depends on which university you want to go there with; I went to an univ in Oxford because all my friends were going there but when i got there last year was told that if they have students from China, then maybe i could do better at other universities in London… so good luck)