

I am an IELTS exam leader. 我是雅思考试负责人 In my centre, we follow all instructions given by the British Council(BC)and ETS in our day today work and in conducting the exams. 在我中心我们按照英国文化协会和ETS给我们提供的所有指示开展工作并主持考试 However, there is always the possibility of human error on our side or a genuine issue with technology that needs to be addressed. 然而,在考试过程中可能会发生考生或我们的系统失误的人为错误,此时就需要解决这些问题了 So how can you complain? 所以如何投诉呢? Firstly, you need to email your complaint to [email protected] 首先发邮件到ets@perceptions.org.uk Complaints should contain the following: 投诉信应包含以下内容:

A summary of what happened during the exam(including any unusual circumstances or events, e.g. technical difficulties); 考试中发生了什么(包括任何异常情况或事件,如技术问题)的概要介绍;

The date and time of the exam; 考试的日期和时间; The candidate's name and ID number; 考生的姓名和ID号; Your contact details so that we can get back to you;(we will not pass this onto anyone else without your permission) 你的联系方式(我们不会未经你许可就将此信息转给任何人);

Your explanation as to why you are making the complaint(for example if it concerns assessment, please explain what you believe went wrong); 你为什么要投诉(比方说如果涉及评分,请说明你认为哪里出了问题);

In addition, if you have made notes about the exam you can attach these to the email. 如果你做了考卷的笔记,可以附上这些笔记 The person receiving the complaint will acknowledge its receipt within two working days. 接收投诉的人会两日内答复

You might also like to consider contacting the institution where you are applying to study. They may be able to help resolve some problems directly. 你也可以考虑联系一下你要申请的学校。他们可能可以直接帮你解决问题
