Harvard Medical School is one of the oldest medical schools in the United States. Founded in 1782, it was the first institution to train physicians using a systematized and structured curriculum that included laboratory exercises along with clinical work and lectures – all of which are considered hallmarks of modern medical education. HMS has trained more than 65,000 physicians over its three campuses (HMS、 HSPH 和 FAS). In addition to Harvard’s M.D.(医学博士) program, we offer Master's Degrees in Health Sciences和Global Health(卫生), as well as an Advanced Education in Clinical Research (AECR)(临床研究高级教育)。 Our faculty is engaged in research on every aspect of health care and human biology and we conduct our own basic and clinical research throughout many centers and departments across the University, including: the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, the Massachusetts General Hospital Center for Neuroscience,the Brigham Brain Imaging Center, the Division of Social Medicine and Health Inequality at HSPH, the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies at FAS, among others.
哈佛医学院提供医学博士、硕士、博士学位。除了传统的医学院培训之外,我们还有以临床为中心的培训项目(ACC)——这是一种基于项目的教学方法,将学习领域分为四个主要部分:患者护理、研究方法、专业发展和跨学科合作。 ACC学员通过参加由专家教授的一组核心课程来获得知识和技能。这些课程与传统的三年制MD学员的课程相同。 所有的研究生都必须完成45学分的核心课程以及一个或多个选修课,总计不少于143学分才能毕业。学生必须在六个学期内完成所有课程的学习,并参加最后的考试。