

1. 非移民类B2签证 B-2 visas are for nonimmigrant visitors to the United States for pleasure or medical treatment. You cannot work, study, get training, or perform volunteer service in the U.S. on a B2 visa.

2. 过境签证 G visa is for travelers who have a valid flight itinerary that requires them to transit through an airport within the United States but whose final destination is outside the country and they don't need a visa to travel to their ultimate destinations. For example, if you live in China and go visit your friend who lives in France by first going via New York where you will only be there for less than 24 hours before continuing onward to Paris. In this case, you might be eligible for a G visa. Note: A G visa does not authorize any kind of employment while you're in US but it allows you to explore the city and its surrounding areas with no limitations up to 90 days maximum period. To apply for a G Visa, you must meet all these conditions:

·You can enter the USA without a visa as long as they allow travelers to stay for no more than 90 days; however, please check whether your point of entry meets those requirements because some airports do not accept G visa holders;

·The purpose of your trip to the USA must be one of the following: tourist, business, visiting friends or relatives (visiting a relative would be allowed even though he/she isn’t American citizen);

·Transit(if applicable) should take place directly from one connecting flight to another, i.e., you shouldn't spend too much time at the airport;

3. 移民类签证 Immigration visas, also called immigrant visas, let applicants become permanent residents (“green card” holder) after entering the United States. An applicant may get either a non-quota or quota immigration visa.

There are two types of immigration visas:

(a) Non-quota Immigrant Visas: All immigrants admitted under “parole” are considered to be non-quota immigrants. Parole was originally used when the government could find individuals who had already entered illegally, such as people fleeing persecution. It now refers to allowing foreign nationals to temporarily enter the United States on certain circumstances specified by the president and approved by the secretary of Homeland Security. There are currently three categories of parolees:

i. Special


1、落地签 适用于去泰国旅行的外国游客,申请人必须符合以下条件才能申请: 没有泰国签证或有效美国签证; 从第三国前往泰国旅游; 无犯罪记录且在中国境外无非法居留经历; 在赴泰之前注射过黄热病疫苗;

2、免签证费政策 持有中国外交护照的人(包括香港特区)可获得90天免签证待遇;在机场落地时办理3天的签证延期手续即可; 持其他类别的中国护照以及港澳台通行证的人士可在泰国停留6个月而无需提前办理签证——但必须要在入境口岸提交6个月的签证申请材料并缴纳相关费用后才能获得许可

3、电子签证 通过移民局网站或者第三方移民机构在线申请; 如果您是第一次来泰国需要入境签的话,请访问 URL
