

日本驻华大使馆的官方网站上是这样写的,有兴趣的话可以看看: URL 原文如下(英文): Information about Visa Application in China The Consulate General of Japan, Guangzhou will be accepting visa applications for diplomatic (non-immigrant) and official purposes from April 1, 2014 at the office as follows. Please note that this service is being provided only to applicants who have already received an appointment via email from us on or after January 8th, 2014. Applicantswho have not received such emails should make their requests by mail.

Inquiries regarding application procedures, etc. may also be sent by mail:

Office Hours : 9:00~12:00(By appointment only)

Address:Room503, Building B, No.7 Dongfang Road, Tianhe District,Guangzhou,P.R.China Tel:+86 20-38367525 Fax:+86 20-31824412 Email:visa@gz.mofa.go.jp

For visa collection, please bring a valid passport with at least two blank pages, along with your confirmation letter and other required documents for visa issuance when you come to collect it. You are advised to arrive before noon if possible, since we need to send passports back to our Tokyo headquarters on the same day.

The Consular Section is currently operating according to the above schedule due to the ongoing renovation works in Guanzhou. For enquiries or complaints related to these arrangements,please contact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ General Affairs Office at tel: +81-3-3580-3011. Thank you for your kind understanding.

以上の手配中に、中国国内での「在留资格認定書」の届出を行う際、以下をご注意ください。 中国外交部及び各省・省・市の駐外国庁は、その本庁或は本部の所在地において国際的な送交手続を行っていますが、在日日本人や中日間人類因縁関係に関わる人々の場合は、以下のように、各都道府県における指定事務所が手配しています。詳細は、各所規と相関する外交部、各地政府及び都道府県の駐外国庁などの网站を参照下さい。

URL 另外,我帮你翻译一下,以防看不懂中文网站 现在正在广州进行的装修工作,由于这个原因,领事馆只有早上才能处理签证事宜。我们建议您如果可能的话尽量早点来。

关于如何提交护照以及签证办理流程等问题,请参阅下方链接: 请参考此页面。 在填写申请表时请注意,请不要填错名字和出生日期!


先不说日本的申请地点,说一下办理流程吧. 一般有两种途径,一是直接去大使馆或者总领事馆提交申请材料;二是通过签证中心递交申请表和申请材料。

1、填写个人资料表并准备相应的申请材料(护照原件+复印件,照片等...)递交给使领馆或签证中心; 2、等待处理你的申请材料;

