

1. 签证类型选择(F,M,J-1) F: for Full time degree seeking students M: for Full Time Non Degree Seeking Students J-1 :for students participating in exchange programs. If you are coming to the US with your sponsor(the university or institute that is sponsoring your education), then your visa will be F or M, and if they sponsor only a short course (less than six months duration), it would be a B-1/B-2 Visa which allows you to attend classes but not study. The main difference between an F, M, & J-1 visas lies on their purpose of stay. An F , M can legally work as long as there is employment authorization issued by USCIS, however ,a J-1 cannot work off campus unless he has been granted a STEM OPT extension. Another major distinction is that while an F&M student must leave the U.S when his/her status expires; A J-1 stays until its two years residency requirement have been fulfilled. You can find more information about different types of visas at URL 2. 申请步骤 Step I: Apply for VISA online through Electronic System URL step II : go to consulate nearest where you plan to apply , print out Form DS-160 confirmation page, pay $160 application fee using credit card, get receipt number, bring copy of receipt along with passport during appointment step III : make an appointment with the Consul , bring all required documents, take fingerprints,answer some questions, provide consent form for background check step IV : wait for interview result 3. Pre-requisites before applying for visa

a. Health insurance Plan for entire term of study b. Proof of financial support: i)Bank statement , proof of parent's source of income, bank account should have enough money to cover living costs of a year including tuition fees plus airfare back home. Some schools also require deposit paid either in school accounts, such as UCI, UCSD ,UCLA;or in personal banks,such as University of Pennsylvania. Generally speaking, each institution may vary according to their policy. All this expenses need to be listed carefully in


我申请的F1学生签,但是面签当天我被通知我是J1交流访问学者类别的签证。 因为在面签准备阶段我没有认真思考这个选项,当时想的是申请研究生项目,所以我准备了研究生项目的所有文件。 在和签证官沟通之后他给了我一个建议,给我申请了J1的签证。 虽然最终结果是好的,但是我心里还是有点担心会不会影响到以后申请I20。因为毕竟不是自己主动选择的。

后来我在网上查了这种情况的案例并不多!大多数都是遇到这种问题的同学都是F1被拒的(因为F1是有名额限制的)。 另外,我还听说有的人是F1成功过签了结果在入境的时候海关给拦下来了,理由是学生签没有F1签证身份。 所以各位要办留学签的同学还是要谨慎一些的好好对待自己的材料。特别是第一次来美的申请人更要认真对待自己的申请材料啊!否则后果是很严重的!
