

首先,Part 2是给你一个话题让你阐述观点的题,你当然可以有步骤有逻辑地去阐述你的想法和观点了啦!怎么思考答题思路还不简单嘛? 以一个生活中很常见的例子来作为引子,想想这个话题你是怎么看的(肯定观点or否定观点)+原因1.. 因为题目要求是2minutes,所以千万不要展开太多,说多了会扣分的哦~ 在回答这个问题的时候,你可以使用简单的句子去表达清晰的逻辑,可以使用一些过渡词、句去连接每一点,也可以使用同义替换去让自己的回答更有逻辑性和充实内容。但记住,一定不要背模板!不要背模板!因为考官每天看到无数模板化的答案,你已经落入圈套了呀!

Part 2的题库如下,这里学姐给大家示例一些话题卡,但是注意千万别真的去用这些话题卡去答题哈,会被扣分的!!!

1.Do you think it is important to be educated in order to be successful in life?

2.What are the advantages of working as part of a team?

3.What should schools do to attract more students into learning science subjects such as physics or mathematics?

4.Should children be taught about birthdays and other festive occasions so that they can celebrate them at school?

5.How can parents help children with their homework?(家庭类问题)

6.What advice would you give to new teachers? (职场类问题)

7.Which technological innovations were most surprising for you? 8.Can technology ever make up for human loss? 9.Is human connection being replaced by technology? (科技类问题)

10.In which way has technology changed our lives? 11.Does technology mean less human interaction? (社会生活类问题)


从评分标准来看,字数要求的表述是“The talk must last between one and two minutes”。

从语法上分析,between A and B这种形式是全包括的,也就是说,从A到B的全部都要包括。所以,大家在Part 2中至少要说满一分钟,最多可以说到两分钟,中间的一分半可以是各种可能性。所以,如果恰好说到了1分30秒,也符合要求。

因此,大家的Part 2不一定非要说到2分钟的,只要达到规定最少的要求,即一分钟,都是符合标准的。
