

TPO 61-73的听力和阅读题目及答案,以及每一篇听力原文和答案分析。 TPR(Test PreP)是由ETS推出,用来模拟托福听力和阅读真考场流程与难度的真考前练习。每次题量、题型和考试时间均与正式考试一致。

是托福备考必不可少的学习资料! 免费放出来给大家领取~ 【免费领取】Tpr Test Packs(2020) 含74-80共七套试题及解析 链接: 密码:h9kd


1. TPO 75 Read the passage and answer questions. 2. TPO 76 Listen to a lecture on Global warming. 3. TPO 77 Watch a video and then answer questions about it. 4. TPO 78 See if you can identify the speaker's point of view. 5. TPO 79 Matching game: match terms with their definitions. 6. TPO 80 Listen again and answer new questions. 7. TPO 81 Improve your ability to predict topics for lectures. 8. TPO 82 Practice your note taking skills. 9. TPO 83 Prepare for the Speaking section. 10. TPO 84 Improve your English vocabulary.
