

Ontario has 2 colleges on the lake shore and many more in towns all over the province. The college system is very different from American. There are no 4 year universities, only community collegestherefore they aren't as research intensive but tend to be more applied based with job placements built into programs. Students can choose from certificate (one-two years), diplomas(3-years) or degrees(4-6 years). For example, at Seneca College just outside Toronto, students can earn a Bachelor of Applied Science (BASc)with majors in business administration, computer science, early childhood development, human resources management, industrial technology, information systems security, international trade, project management etc. The BASc degree offers options for those who want to pursue their studies further and even one day may consider pursuing a Phd. There are also advanced standing opportunities which allow students with appropriate qualifications to skip ahead in their program. In Ontario you will hear about these places called CIC(college of integrated technologies) and CIISP (colllege institute of intergrated health). These schools offer training in fields such as biomedical equipment services, pharmaceutical sciences, public safety, and other health related fields like medical assistant, massage therapy等. You can find a full list of available programs here 但是这个网站只能看不能点进去看具体内容。


另外,如果题主拿到的是conditional offer,即有条件录取,那么注意条件是否已经满足,若需要补充材料或者语言未到直录要求则需要补材料的及时补上哦!


我在安省毕业,现在在新斯科舍省工作,在多伦多大学里学习的时候因为当时想申请商学院所以就选择了西安大略大学的毅伟商学院,但是入学后觉得西大不是特别的好所以决定转到女王的商科转过来到现在的这个商科专业,现在已经毕业了并且拿到了毕业证和学位证 我的情况可能跟题主的情况差不多呢 我是在2013年9月份进入UOIT(安省的理工大学)开始学习的,学的是商科,我选择的是金融会计专业 在今年7月14日我已经顺利拿到了毕业证书啦~ 现在已经找到了一个很不错的工作,并且在15年的时候申请了移民并在今年的二月二十号收到了加拿大的永久居留权的通知!~激动人心啊~ 这所学校是让我从高中到大学毕业都满意的,希望对你有帮助哟~
